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How often should you have your windows cleaned?

How often should you have your windows cleaned?

This is a great question, and one we hear a lot. The answer for most, is twice a year. One window cleaning service in the spring and then again in the fall. For most homes having the windows cleaned in the spring and fall is going to give you great looking windows nearly all year long. With a twice a year service your windows will never get too dirty, so you won’t have to live with some of the issues that can arise when cleaning intervals are longer: Like hard water stain build up, insect eggs and bird waist, and other types of dirt that builds up over time. However, there are a few things that may have you calling your window cleaner sooner. Such as, if you are planning any construction in or around your home. In most of these cases it’s a good idea to have the windows cleaned afterwards. This can also apply to you if your neighbors are doing any construction on the outside of their home and some of that construction debris or dirt is transferred to your nice clean windows.

Commercial window cleaning of buildings with public access, it’s a little different, and most of the time a monthly cleaning service of the windows is recommended. Some few reasons for this increased need are: More people are accessing the building, often times the buildings are close to roads, and subject to much more dirt build up. Also, and most importantly standards can be much higher for a business. Even if it may be okay for fingerprints to linger on the windows at home for a few weeks this can be a major eye sore for a customer. Although we recommend a monthly cleaning for most business buildings it doesn’t mean that all windows must be cleaned inside and out every month. We often recommend a cycle of window cleaning that prioritizes the high visibility windows over others to help promote some cost savings.

Some things to look for when choosing a window cleaning service are: Is the company licensed and insured? Remember you can always ask for this information. Are they a reputable company, and what policies do they offer to protect their customers? How are they setting their prices, and is it publicly posted? What types of equipment and chemicals are going to be used both inside and out of your home? And, finally how long will the service take and how many team members will be at your home during the cleaning service?


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